Institution,Policies and Mechanism:The Innovation-driven Development in Sweden
Jiang Xuan & Zhang Peipei (Sun Yat-Sen University)
Abstract:Technology innovation is a critical driver for sustainable economic growth,and the role of the state in innovative economy development is worth further study.How to achieve innovation-driven economy for a country? What on earth is the role of the state during the process of innovation? It is of great importance to find the answers to the raised questions,in that technology innovation has been a more and more urgent issue to China in recent years and building an innovative nation has been a task of priority for the central government of China since 2006.In order to seek the way for strengthening China’s innovative competency,learning successful experiences from some innovative countries could be a short-cut.Sweden,a world-leading innovative country with a welfare state-based market economy institution,has quickly developed from a technique follower to an innovation leader at the global scale.This makes it an appropriate case for responding to the questions raised at the beginning.
It has been established that the role of state is usually played through the way of institution arrangement and policy design,and policy design is usually supported and constrained by formal institution.Leoncini’s national innovation system (NIS) theory,which deconstructs innovative system into four systems-knowledge,technical product production,market and institution and believes that development of the interaction among the four systems will result in successful innovative economy.NIS is suitable for exploring how government functions in innovative economy development through institution design as the bridge between the other three systems.However,the theory ignores the instrumental carrier by which the institution will take effect.Thus,by adding the policy design factor as the instrument and media of institution arrangement,this article makes a marginal improvement for Leoncini’s theory and uses the improved theoretical framework to explore that,in Sweden,within the institutional structure,how government influences the innovation mechanism through policy design functioning on knowledge,technical product and market systems of the national innovation system.
The welfare state-based market economy institution determines the principle of innovation policies is market competition-based but welfare-concerned.According to the features of innovation policies,the innovation development in Sweden since the nineteen century can be divided into three stages:the technology-imitation and catching-up,the independent innovation and emergence of Swedish Paradox,the intensive innovation and paradox fixing.At the beginning of innovation development,the knowledge system was underdeveloped,and the government encouraged transferring advanced technology directly from outside so as to be the technical capital for technical product system,which resulted in the state-led accumulation of technological knowledge and improvement of product system.Independent innovation emphasizing the role of market has begun since 1980.Besides strengthening non-profit research institutions’ capability to develop knowledge system in term of both scientific and technological knowledge,policies also encourage the participation of large-scaled enterprises into both products-production system and technological knowledge and stimulate market demand for technological products. This resulted in the government-and large-scaled enterprises-led innovation development.However,the ignorance of the connection between the knowledge and market system led to the Swedish Paradox that intensive input in R&D turned out to be inefficient and most of the knowledge failed to be commercialized in market at last.In the most recent innovation development stage,nurturing innovative environment and promoting the interaction among all three systems are the policy goal.By balancing the development of and interaction among all knowledge,tech-products and market systems,as well as fostering the growth small-and middle-sized innovative enterprises,the government has been trying to build an inclusive and multi-participated market-led innovation mechanism.
The Swedish experience shows that the role of government keeps changing during the process of innovation development,so as to meet the changing needs of the innovation system at different innovation stage.Government needs to build appropriate institution under which appropriate policies will be made to provide sufficient resources and support to the functions of all the innovation systems and their interaction.
The article has three contributions.First,from a brand-new theoretical perspective,it uncovers the mechanism of innovation and emphasizes the role of government as well as the importance of institution and policies.Second,it critically reviews the process of the innovative economy development in Sweden and,by applying Leoncini’s theory to the case,it discovers more detailed information about the advantage and disadvantages of government’s function during the process.Third,the empirical study from the case of Sweden gives significant implications on the innovative economy development in China.
Key words:innovation-driven development; innovation system; Sweden; modernization of state governance